Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

it's near

seminggu lagi sebelum wisuda, mwahahaha jadi deg2an

Q: wisuda S2 ?

A: S1 koq

Q: lah umur loe brapa empank?

A: kasi tau gag ya...

Q: dari muke loe aja semua orang taw, hag hag hag

A: Ah sial

Itulah percakapan yang terjadi bila ketemu org lain yang gag taw bekgron gw, memang c gw terlalu lama berkecimpung didunia persilatan(perkuliahan).

ditempat lain.. temen2 gw dah berkarir luas hingga penjuru dunia, dan gw masih stuck di depok. tapi semuanya gw syukuri inilah jalan terbaik bwat gw, Thank you Allah for the gift which allow me to learn more than the other. thank you for keep me for being cocoon.. now let me metamorph into most beautiful butterfly in this world

thank you for give me a lot of friend

thank you to allow me to love and beloved by a cute girl
thank you for give me parrent who support me whatever my condition
thank you for give me a graduation(it's great miracle)
thank you for all gift you gave for me
beneran deg2an
next... in february I will have a new world
I wish it can be wonderful days

1 komentar:

  1. "now let me metamorph into most beautiful butterfly in this world"

    gak salah tuh Cong? harusnya handsome,hahahahahahaha!


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yaaa isi aja, bebas koq
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